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Describe your image

The seven sacraments of the Catholic Church were instituted by Jesus and entrusted to the Church. Each is celebrated with a visible rite and seen as a visible sign of the grace of God to those who receive them. The sacraments can be classified into three categories: the sacraments of initiation [Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist]; the sacraments of healing [Penance and Anointing of the Sick]; the sacraments of Service [Matrimony and Holy Orders].

We are born into the Mystical body of Christ, the Church, so that with him we are children of God. Each Year renewal of our baptismal promises are celebrated at the Easter Vigil.
The sacrament through which we begin our life in the Church. We are reborn of water and the spirit, set free from original sin, and share in God's life, which is grace. Whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirty again. The water I give will become like a spring within a person welling up to give eternal life." (John 4:13-14).
Baptism at St. Benedict's Parish takes place on the 3rd and 4th Sunday of every other month (February, April, June, August, October, December). Parents must be active registered members for at least six months before the baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend preparation classes. Infant Baptismal registration begins on July 1st, you may register your child at the parish office. Adults who have never been baptized must participate in the RCIA Program (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).
We are fed with Christ's body and blood, in a community supper with fellow believers.
The sacrament in which the Lord Jesus Christ is present with us under the appearance of bread and wine. We come together as Christ's community, the Church and celebrate His presence and give thanks for his gift of life.
Eucharist to the Sick--Communion will be brought by the priest or Eucharistic ministers to people who are unable to attend Mass. Contact the parish office, or one of the ministers of the Eucharist.

We are sealed with the Holy Spirit in a special way that completes our baptismal commitment.
The sacrament completes the grace of baptism. Through Confirmation, we receive the Holy Spirit, and we celebrate, experience, and affirm the presence of the Holy Spirit that we received first in Baptism. Those to be confirmed must be suitably instructed. They must be willing to be involved in the preparation program with the intention of remaining faithful to Christ and His Church. Confirmation is received at the age of 16 and above. Preparation for Confirmation is spread throughout the Life Teen Ministry at St. Benedict’s church. Challenges of the preparation process are set forth for candidates, sponsors and parents

If our sins have weakened or killed our friendship with Christ or our fellow humans, we are reconciled with God and the community of the Church.
The sacrament through which we receive, share, and celebrate the love and forgiveness of God, and of the Church. We receive God's forgiveness for our personal sins, and are reconciled with God, the Christian community and ourselves. It calls us to be people who are both forgiven and forgivers. It is one of consolation, not one of judgment or condemnation.
Confessions are heard every Saturday from 4:00 P.M. to 4:45 P.M. Priests are also available for confession at other times by appointment

We are reminded of God's compassion and receive spiritual and physical strengths as members of the Church.
Through this sacrament, the risen Christ reaches out through the priest or community to people who are elderly or sick in mind and body. Through His community, the Risen Christ forgives sin, gives love and support in time of need and suffering.
Arrangements can be made by contacting the Parish Office

Partners are chosen by one another to live a life of love which mirrors within the family circle Christ's love for His Church.
The early Christians felt that people were called to holiness by living the great Law of Love. Early Christians set a special value to the marriage relationship--because they understood it as a bond of love, the same as the bond Christ and His community-the Church. Today, the Catholic Church celebrate marriage as an effective sign of God's love.
St. Benedict Parish encourage couples to contact the Parish Office six months prior to the wedding date, so that proper preparations can be made

The Church ordains bishops, priests and deacons to continue the work of the Apostles in a unique way.
Through the sacrament of Holy Order our ordained bishops, priests, and deacons lead us in the service to God's Reign. They govern and care for the Catholic life of all the people in their local church. they are the chief teachers, celebrants of the sacraments, and pastors and deacons in our dioceses